Join us as a Volunteer
Wildlife Volunteers
Mandurah Wildlife Rehabilitation is completely reliant on our volunteers who make the centre function. Volunteering at the Mandurah Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre is a rewarding and enriching experience.
Your time at the center can be tailored to fit your schedule and needs, with no prior experience or knowledge required. Along with helping care for our animals, you'll have the chance to learn about our unique wildlife—what they eat, how they live, and ways to transform your garden into a sanctuary for native species.
We also have many other volunteer roles available. Explore the options below to find a role where you can make a meaningful impact on our native wildlife.
Volunteer Positions
Animal Care
The Centre operates 14 shifts each week, with a morning and an afternoon shift every day. Most volunteers choose to participate in one shift per week.
Each shift team consists of a supervisor and 3 to 4 volunteers. The team is responsible for feeding the animals, treating wounds and illnesses, and maintaining cleanliness throughout the facility.
The supervisor leads the team, assigns tasks, and possesses the expertise required to diagnose and treat the animals.
Volunteers receive on-the-job training from their supervisor and participate in specialized training sessions organized by the training manager.

Cleaning & Laundry
If the direct contact with animals is not your thing, but you would still like to be part of a shift team, then cleaning and doing the laundry might be something for you.
A large part of the shift work is made up of cleaning floors, doing and hanginng the laundry and cleaning cages.
In principle each volunteer in a shift also has to do the cleaning, but doing the cleaning and laundry for the team, means they can take care of more animals.
Maintenance & Gardening
There is always something that needs to be built or repaired at the Centre. We do get regular assistance from our Sponsor Alcoa and local businesses often do work for free, but most of the repairs are done in-house.
The Mandurah Wildlife Centre has a small team of very able volunteers who do a tremendous job keeping things together, but they can always use an extra hand.

Marketing & Social Media
Our marketing team is responsible for the website, newsletter and social media. It also comes up with specific campaigns to increase fundraising and increase awareness. Have a look at the "Stories" on this website, to see some examples of what they do.
The team is in need of 2 or 3 volunteers who wish to help with the building of relationships with stakeholders, finding sponsors and educating the public about native wildlife.
We will be happy to have a conversation with anyone who would like to join our marketing efforts.
Other options to volunteer
There are more options to volunteer at the Mandurah Wildlife Centre, as you can see in the registration form below. Every volunteer at the Wildlife Centre helps our native wildlife thrive in their own way. All together we can make a difference,
We warmly invite you to attend one of our induction meetings, where you can experience first hand what it means to be a part of our volunteer team.
We look forward to meeting you soon!